Saturday 4 August 2012

So many things have happened ......

........ until I am just too tired to update my blog as things always happen at the same time.

  • mum was down with acute stroke 
  • gotta help out for my bro's wedding (since mum is not feeling too well)
  • gotta welcome my bro's in-laws from UK

Much to our relief is:

  • mum's stroke is not as bad as my dad-in-law; she was discharged after 5 days, has to go through physiotherapy and speech therapy for 3 months and thereafter her condition will be pretty much what she can attain during these 3 months. 
  • My mother-in-law, who has a helper, can take over looking after yx since my dad-in-law's condition has now stabilised 
  • bro's wedding in UK was over and I was only helping for the one held in Singapore.
  • they are pretty nice and understanding people, so it's all good. (but my Cantonese sucks, so thanks to my bro, they know Singlish.)

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