Saturday 29 September 2012

Dinner Time !


hee. hee.

Pls stop asking me to smile. I am busy looking at the menu.

Ok, I oblige again. 

Hmm.. I want this drink! Pls order for me!! *pout*

Random thoughts ...

Turning 360 degrees from left to right. 
I realise she tend to sleep better without wearing any pants. '__'
Scars on her hands seem to be lighter but still visible.
Her "michelin tyres" are very "pinchable" so is good...
She still likes to spin herself sometimes when sleeping.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Praying ?

MIL: yx 会 拜 拜,很好笑。。。
me: woah, 真的?
MIL: blah blah blah blah.....
me: o__O haaaa

that leads me to wonder how should I answer yx questions about life such as:
  1. Who created Earth and human beings?
  2. Why are there animals in this world?
  3. Where do we go when we die?
  4. Is there really heaven and hell?
  5. What is the purpose of life?
  6. Why do we need to pray?

To put things simply, I am "free"- an Agnostic or sometimes in between Agnostic and Atheist although hub is a Budhhist. I remembered when my niece asked me (think when she was 5 if I remembered correctly) who discovered Earth? But then in the first place, who discovered human beings?

Well, there are 2 school of thoughts in my opinion - the scientific way and the religious way - so I answered both very briefly: Scientific - Nicolaus Copernicus who discovered earth as one of the planetry system, and Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory; Religious - God who created Garden of Eden in Genesis. Surprisingly, she filled me with the details with such maturity that I don't think I could have mentioned when I was her age. Interestingly, she didn't mention about Buddha's world is nothing notion and I thought I better not elaborate much cos I am no expert and actually, I don't even understand why I don't understand in certain areas !!!

I have read the New Testaments of the Bible about 10 over years ago, and recently the heart sutra (般若波罗蜜多心经). As Thich Nhat Hanh, author of Living Buddha, Living Christ mentioned about the goodness of fruits where different fruits have different vitamins, but they serve the same purpose - beneficial to your health and this is akin to Buddhism and Christianity - they are different school of thoughts in some ways but they preach love, understanding and acceptance. I kindda subscribe to this logic. Then again, sometimes I  also feel "宁可信其有, 不可信其无". ha. complicated.

I reckon the best way is to expose her to both school of thoughts and let her decide what she wants to believe in. Most importantly, she must have good values (ok what are good values? How good is 'good'?- that's another story for another day...) Daddy is not as liberal but he gave me a reluctant 'ok lah' when I mentioned about freedom of choice in religion. Then the next question is, must one need religion? Is Buddhism and Christianity a religion?

It's funny that after so many years I finally realised that GP probably has some use, but I know I wouldn't be tackling questions like "Is it necessary to have religion?" or anything remotely related to it.

Christians would say, "Without Christ, I Am Nothing" (CHRIST-IAN)
Buddhism mention mindfulness. I am still thinking.

I would leave this as it is now. I pray that yx will be more enlightened than me in future.

Mosquito scars

Counting bites and scars excluding legs & thighs

Only 2. and 5. are old scars - still can see some brownish markings. The rest are all recent cases. They are now in the healing stage. I think it will take a super long time for the scars to fade away. =(

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Mosquito Bites =(

Mosquito Bites !

This is the second time that the mosquitoes attack her. This time, they come fast and furious - total of 8 bites all over the body !!! I am afraid these bites might leave scars and it took a long time to heal for the first attack. No more leaving citronella gel from the room. The most irritating part is that those mosquitoes attack only mummy (who didn't sleep in baby's room) and baby but NOT daddy, and daddy happen to sleep beside yx !!! Does it mean A+ blood is sweeter ??? =\

Sunday 16 September 2012

Saturday 15 September 2012

Pincer Skills at Work

Her pincer skills to grasp small objects using her thumbs and forefinger is still not very steady...the way she hold is still like "grabbing", haha..

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Good reasons to have babies?

Source:  DemoncraticSingapore
Kindda amuse me when Chew did this. Hilarious note aside, I wonder what are the top reasons for women NOT having a baby in Singapore.

The obvious I think are:

  1. High cost of living 
  2. Obstacle to career advancement 
  3. Inadequate (quality) childcare
  4. No work-life balance
  5. Pressurised education (afraid of commitment)
  6. Wish to enjoy life more in this hectic society
but yx, I am really glad that I have you. muak !

Sunday 9 September 2012

Catching ball

hey dad, I am sick of the humpty dumpty.
It's catching ball  time!
These days, I can't snap a decent photo of her - either I caught her butt or face off the camera. She is super fast with her actions and this is the best shot I can capture. Perhaps should consider more videos now. She is now crawling all over the place, except the bathroom and the kitchen, where we close the doors tight! >_<