Monday 16 July 2012

Teeth and Eyes

Smile !
This is a more "gu-niang" (ladylike) picture of her. Most of my relatives said she look and behave like a boy. =(  When I was preggy, most people thought I will give birth to a boy, but in the end, a girl. (can imagine my mother-in-law's diappointment, haha). So conclusion is: shape of the stomach and food you eat during pregnancy (based on old wives' tales) doesn't really predict the gender of your baby.

OR does it mean that if the shape of the stomach and food you eat during pregnancy tends to predict a baby boy and if turns out to be a girl, the result would be that she is not as 淑女 (virtuous & gentle lady) and also vice versa logic for boys? Actually yx's mum is also not too lady. ok, whatever. 

Kindda love this pix although it didn't capture her whole face fully. There is one little stretch scar near her left eye (on our right) due to her long nails. Hope it disappear soon.

1 comment:

  1. Your sweetie grow so big already..!
    My mum thot I was a boy too and prepared a boy name for me haha. But she liked sweet food throughout pregnancy. I think I was quite tomboyish growing up.

    I think gender doesn't matter, it might even be better to be a girl! :)
